Clubs and Activities
We strive to offer a broad range of activities that will appeal to all children, giving them as many opportunities as possible to develop their skills and confidence.
The school has its own Breakfast Club which opens at 7:30am each day and is situated in the school hall. All children are signed in electronically by an adult at the Hall door. The cost from September 2024 will be £2.50.
We currently offer a plethora of other clubs that take place either after school or at lunch times; these include: Choir, Dance, Sports, Lego, Gymnastics, Board Games, Calm Club, Yoga, Art Club and Gardening Club. We are keen to hear ideas and requests from the children and try to put in place any clubs that are requested. All clubs are free of charge, excluding Cookery, where we ask for a small amount to cover the costs of ingredients.
Our sports clubs have been very successful in the past - our Gymnastics Club has won the City Gymnastics competition and attended the County finals, coming in the top 12 schools within the entire County! Our Dance Club came joint first in the Oxford City Schools Dance Competition, and our Football Team came second in the City Schools Football Tournament.
We also offer the opportunity for children to take on the roles of:
- School Councillor - children are elected during Democracy Day in September. All children have to create a campaign poster and are elected by their peers.
- Junior Librarian - children have to write a letter of application to the Lead Librarian.
- Junior Leaders - The school council created key leadership roles for children, within the school. These include: Hall Helpers, Playground Buddies, Tidying Team, Mini Medics, Sports Ambassadors, Eco-Councillors and Singing Stars. Each team is led by an adult and the children can request to join any of the leadership teams.
Residential visits
Residential experiences are a crucial part of what we offer as part of our Education with Character. These are not holidays. These are essential experiences that allow children to develop resilience, team work skills, independence and enable them to see their learning in a real context.
They are an integral part of the children’s learning- not an add on extra or a treat. Therefore, they are subsidised to ensure all children can take part. Wherever possible, a larger number of these trips are earlier in the school year because they give an unrivalled opportunity for teachers and children to bond through shared adventures, experiences and learning.
Residentials for 2023 included:
A variety of other enrichment activities, linked to our Curriculum, take place throughout the year.