
KS2 Results

Please note - we are waiting for the DfE to update the KS2 data from Summer 2024. The data shown in the link below for KS2 is incorrect and the DfE has stated that it will be updated in early 2025.

Our actual 2024 KS2 data is:

Reading: 82%   Writing: 73%   Maths: 73%    Combined: 59%

You can view our latest Results and Progress Measures on the Department for Education School Performance Tables here.

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance


Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

The Phonics Screening Check is administered individually to all children in Year 1. It is designed to give teachers and parents information on how their child is progressing in Phonics. A child in Year 1 is aiming to achieve the expected standard for 6-year-olds.  


Due to COVID-19, the Year 1 cohort took the test in the second half of the Autumn term of Year 2. 96% were working at the expected standard. 


85% of the Year 1 cohort were working at the standard for 6-year-olds in Phonics when they took the test in June 2024. 


94% of the Year 1 cohort were working at the standard for 6-year-olds in Phonics when they took the test in June 2024. 


85% of the Year 1 cohort were working at the standard for 6-year-olds in Phonics when they took the test in June 2024. 



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