As we have received many requests from parents/carers, the e-learning for the last 2 weeks of Summer Term will stay on the website until the end of August.
Keep safe and have a lovely Summer!
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope you are well and keeping safe at such an uncertain time. We miss seeing you and your children everyday.
As the school has re-opened for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, as well as the key worker children from all classes, we have made some changes to the e-learning offer.
In Summer 2 (until the end of the term -17th July) , we will be offering 5 pages per week for Nursery, Reception, Years 2, 3, 4 & 5, and 3 pages per week for Years 1 and 6.
The content of each page will follow the National Curriculum and the age-related expectations for each year group.
Please work through these online learning pages with your children and check our website for new and exciting activities.
Stay safe and enjoy the activities with your children!