

Our attendance and punctuality policy is available on the website for parents to view

There is a direct link between attendance and how well a child does in school.  We want all of our students to aim for 100% attendance each year and achieve at least 96%. This means having no more than 8 school days off a year.

We celebrate attendance each term in a variety of ways:

  • Each week class attendance is celebrated in assemblies and classes receive pieces of their hot chocolate puzzle, leading to a special visit from the hot chocolate trolley!
  • Letters and postcards are sent home for 100% attendance and improved punctuality and attendance.
  • Certificates for 100% attendance are given out in assemblies.
  • Attendance focus weeks takes place to spotlight the importance of children attending school and there are opportunities for children to win individual rewards during these weeks. 

Every term you will receive information about your child’s attendance through letters home or at parent meetings.  You will also receive a regular attendance updates in the school newsletter, which include top tips for ensuring your child achieves their attendance target.

We work closely with the Locality and Community Support Service (LCSS) and the Attendance and Engagement Team to support parents in improving their child’s attendance. If your child’s attendance becomes a concern or if they are considered a persistent absentee (attendance less than 90%), you will be required to attend a formal meeting to establish a parent contract. A member of the LCSS may be present at the meeting.

Holidays are not permitted in term time. Parents are requested not to book holidays during term time. You should only request time off in term time when there are extremely exceptional circumstances. We expect parents to take holidays during normal school holidays. The school term dates are available on the website. If your child needs to take time off during term time, you need to collect an Absence Form from the school office, this needs to be returned to the school office for the attention of the Head teacher. Requests for absence for holidays during term time will only be considered if there are exceptional circumstances. Parents will be expected to explain these circumstances on the absence request form and support any application with documentation such as letters from employers or doctors’ notes.

If the school refuses a request, but the child is still taken on holiday, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and parents will receive a letter confirming this. Parents will then receive a warning that they may be liable for a Penalty Notice.


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