Home-learning Support

Useful home learning links for all children

The following websites are available to parents and children to support learning at home. Please remember the importance of online safety at all times. Guidance for parents and children can be accessed here. Click on the logos below to access these websites.

Here is the NSPCC Stay Safe Virtual Assembly  hosted by Ant, Dec and David Walliams, where they are discussing some of the worries children are facing due to the coronavirus pandemic. Please spend some time to watch it with your children.

Speak Out.Stay Safe.Virtual Assembly.


Nursery and Reception



Audible - free kids’ audiobooks.

Classic books.

Pobble 365 provides a photo stimulus for a writing task every day 365 provides a photo stimulus for a writing task every day.

Plazoom: A range of recommended English resources that can support home- learning.

Literacy shed provides lots of animations on different topics to inspire children to write.

Phonics play.

Day by day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing all built around a story or video.



I see Maths is a platform for daily home Maths lessons hosted by Gareth Metcalfe (instructions about how to access the lessons: ISeeMaths)

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.

Bitesize publish daily online lessons for all ages. They also have a new dedicated TV channel full of learning content, podcasts on BBC Sounds and lots of educational videos on iPlayer.


Great Maths Resources and Games.



Maths Resources and Games in strands.



Maths Resources and Games (great problem solving activities).



Teacher’s pet: free home-learning packs.


A list of great websites containing educational and fun podcasts for children to listen to

Click here to view the site


Fun activities for schools and parents to keep children happy, healthy and focused.

Keep children updated with current events.

Read, play games and conduct cool science experiments.

Twinkl is offering every parent in United Kingdom access to all Twinkl resources with a One Month Ultimate Membership, totally free of charge. Pupils can access high-quality learning during any periods of disruption.

Setting this up is really easy to do - go to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS

You can set up a free account, then upgrade to the free unlimited access to all resources until further notice.


Microsoft Family.


Lots of links to companies offering free subscriptions and resources. Some of them are largely aimed at teachers, but there is a wealth of stuff here, including virtual tours of museums and hundreds of online courses to suit any interest. Please click on the link below:

Amazing Educational Resources

Very straight forward but satisfyingly effective art lessons – Carla Sonheim does a free art week every summer so pupils can also find week long art lessons from her archive. Only her ‘kids art week’ lessons are free. 


Follow the link to a free performance of Wind in the Willows.

Here is an e-book copy of the Wind and The Willows – all free.



Build on children’s creativity and musical ear.


Ofsted Emotional Wellbeing Eco Schools Award Attachment and Trauma Accreditation Programme Award Music Mark Art Council

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